2. change CNAME entry for DNS on 1und1.de
- Domains
- mark your domainat1und1.de and select DNS -> Einstellungen Bearbeiten
- for CNAME entry put: appname.heroku.com
- apply and wait couple of hours until it’s populated
3. in your heroku app you need to add an add-on “Custom Domains” (Basic is free)
$ heroku addons:add custom_domains
Adding custom_domains to... FAILED
! Please verify your account before installing this addon
! For more information, see http://docs.heroku.com/billing
! Verify now at http://heroku.com/verify
as you can see you need to verify your account before (credit card needed -> no charge applies)
when it’s done:
$ heroku addons:add custom_domains:basic
Adding custom_domains:basic to... done
$ heroku domains:add www.domainat1und1.de
Added www.domainat1und1.de as a custom domain name to appname.heroku.com
$ heroku domains:add domainat1und1.de
Added domainat1und1.de as a custom domain name to appname.heroku.com
FULL instructions under: http://docs.heroku.com/custom-domains